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About Youth Program

Shabbat Morning Groups:

All groups begin at 9:45 AM and end with the conclusion of Main Sanctuary tefillah

There are six groups

·         2-3 year olds 

·         4-5 year olds 

·         1st – 3rd grade girls 

·         4th – 6th grade girls 

·         1st – 2nd grade boys 

  • 3rd – 6th grade boys 

Teen Minyan meets at 9:15AM in the Beit Midrash followed by a lavish chulent & kugel kiddush.  All aspects of the minyan are youth led. From assigning the laining and davening to the actual leading of the davening and reading of the Torah.  The teen minyan is supervised by Rabbi Nissan Goldberg

Sunday Mornings:

9:15 AM Parent child minyan followed by a bagel breakfast

Sunday Morning arts and Crafts - Pre Yamim tovim

Tue, October 15 2024 13 Tishrei 5785